Can a holder of a Turkish passport enter Europe without a visa?

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This issue is frequently raised, especially given Turkey's close relationship with the European continent. Geographically, Turkey is considered part of Europe, and it shares borders with EU member states. This has led to repeated calls for Turkey's accession to the European Union, which would enable Turkish citizens to travel freely and visa-free to all EU countries.

However, efforts for accession have not yet been successful for various reasons. As a result, many EU member states have resorted to establishing bilateral agreements with Turkey to regulate the travel of Turkish citizens to their territories.

Entering European Countries Without a Visa :

Some European countries, such as Serbia, Belarus, Ukraine, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, and Albania, allow holders of Turkish passports to enter their territories without a visa.

Schengen Visa :

Turkish passport holders can apply for a Schengen visa, which allows them to travel freely throughout the Schengen Area, whether for tourism or work purposes. This is due to the trade agreements signed between Turkey and the European Union, including the Customs Union Agreement.

It is worth noting that some European countries, such as Germany and the United Kingdom, facilitate the visa application process for Turkish passport holders.

Features of the Turkish Passport :

The Turkish passport has several features that make it desirable for many, the most notable of which are :

  • Strength of the Turkish passport : According to the "Passport Index" for 2024, the Turkish passport ranks 42nd globally. Click here for more details.
  • Visa-free travel : The Turkish passport allows its holder to enter 69 countries around the world without a prior visa and obtain a visa on arrival. Click here for more details.
  • Electronic visa : Holders of Turkish passports can obtain an electronic visa to enter 52 countries worldwide. Click here for more details.
  • Pre-registration : Turkish passport holders can travel to more than 6 countries after completing the pre-registration process. Click here for more details.
  • Retirement benefits : Holders of Turkish passports enjoy the same retirement benefits as Turkish citizens.
  • Participation in elections : Turkish passport holders have the right to vote in all types of elections held in Turkey.
  • Retention of original nationality : Foreign holders of the Turkish passport have the right to retain their original nationality or acquire a new one.
  • Validity period : The validity period of the Turkish passport is ten years.
  • Renewal : Holders of Turkish passports can renew their passports indefinitely.
  • Medical benefits : Holders of Turkish passports enjoy all medical benefits available to Turkish citizens.
  • Educational opportunities : Turkish passport holders have access to the same educational opportunities available to Turkish citizens.

Types of Turkish Passports :

The Turkish government issues several types of passports, which are :

  1. Turkish Red Passport : Issued to ordinary Turkish citizens, with a validity period of ten years.
  2. Turkish Green Passport : Granted to state employees, employees of regulatory and financial institutions, retirees, as well as their spouses and children.
  3. Turkish Gray Passport : Issued to state employees working abroad, along with their spouses and children up to the age of 25.

Summary :

The Turkish passport does not grant its holder the right to travel to all European countries without a visa; however, it allows entry to some European countries without a visa and facilitates obtaining a Schengen visa relatively easily. It also offers many advantages that make it desirable for many people.

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