How to Obtain Turkish Citizenship for Pakistanis

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In recent years, Turkey has become a major destination for investors and individuals seeking a new life and excellent investment opportunities. This significant attraction can be attributed to the country's sustainable economic development, along with its rich cultural heritage and strategic geographical location that connects Europe and Asia. If you are Pakistani and looking to obtain Turkish citizenship, this article is for you as we will cover everything related to Turkish citizenship, how to apply for citizenship in turkey , does turkey give citizenship and what the turkey citizenship program ,  the methods for gaining Turkish citizenship, and a range of steps and procedures and requirements that you should know and comply with.

Real Estate Investment as a Means to Acquire Turkish Citizenship

One of the most well-known methods for Pakistanis to obtain Turkish citizenship is through real estate investment. According to Turkish legislation, foreigners can acquire Turkish citizenship provided they invest in real estate worth at least $400,000. Investors must commit not to sell the property for at least three years. This policy aims to attract foreign investments and support the Turkish real estate market.

Conditions and Requirements for Obtaining Turkish Citizenship through Investment

  1. Financial Value of Investment : The value of the property or properties purchased must not be less than $400,000.
  2. Property Appraisal : The property must undergo an official appraisal by accredited institutions to ensure its true value.
  3. Commitment Not to Sell : Investors are required to hold the property for a minimum of three years.
  4. Legal Procedures : Applications must be submitted through official channels, providing all necessary legal documents, such as a passport, registration details, and other legal forms.
  5. Security Approval : Applicants must pass all security checks conducted by Turkish authorities.

 How to apply for citizenship in turkey

In addition to the widely preferred real estate investment, there are other ways to acquire Turkish citizenship :

  1. Bank Deposit : Investors can deposit an amount of at least $500,000 in Turkish banks and must refrain from withdrawing it for three years.
  2. Fixed Capital Investment : An investment of at least $500,000 is required in fixed capital projects designated by the Turkish government.
  3. Job Creation : Investors can create jobs for at least 50 Turkish employees.

Benefits of Obtaining Turkish Citizenship

Acquiring Turkish citizenship comes with a range of advantages, including :

  1. Travel Opportunities : The Turkish passport allows for travel to a significant number of countries without the need for a visa.
  2. Education and Healthcare : Citizens enjoy free or discounted education along with access to free healthcare services.
  3. Security and Political Stability : Turkey is regarded as one of the politically and economically stable countries.
  4. Geographical and Cultural Environment : Turkey offers a rich cultural and historical environment that blends tradition with modernity.

Practical Steps for Application

  1. Research and Consultation : Start by researching suitable properties or investments in collaboration with specialized legal consulting firms.
  2. Property Verification : Ensure the validity of documents and the value of the property through accredited agencies.
  3. Official Application : Submit your application through the proper channels, following all necessary procedures and documentation requirements.
  4. Follow-Up : After submitting your application, monitor its status through the relevant authorities and be prepared to provide any additional documents if necessary.


If you are a Pakistani citizen seeking to obtain Turkish citizenship, opportunities are available but require careful planning and adherence to official procedures and legal standards. Turkey presents itself as a promising country that combines ancient civilization with a thriving economy, making it an ideal place for investment and living. By understanding the processes and requirements, you can take the first step toward a new life filled with vast opportunities.

We hope this article provides you with clear guidelines and useful information needed to achieve this ambitious goal.

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