What are the steps to renew a property residence permit in Turkey?

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Are you interested in inquiring about renewing your real estate residence permit in Turkey? Here you will find all the comprehensive details and clarifications regarding the required documents for renewal, the steps necessary to renew your real estate residence, the time needed to complete this process, along with many important notes on the subject based on our extensive experience at Mebani Real Estate Company.

Renewing a real estate residence permit in Turkey is largely a routine process, as Turkish law allows holders of these permits to regularly submit extension applications, typically with a high acceptance rate. In this article, we will provide you with all the precise information and data related to this matter. Thus, we ask you to read carefully and attentively to gain the full benefit.

Required Documents for Renewing Real Estate Residence in Turkey

Renewing your real estate residence permit in Turkey requires the preparation of a set of important documents that must be submitted to the immigration office in the province where you reside. The details are as follows:

  • A copy of the title deed (authenticated by a notary) : This document serves as proof of your property ownership.
  • Tapu (property and building board) : This document illustrates the location of the property within the area and building.
  • Dask earthquake insurance : A necessary insurance policy to ensure the property’s safety against natural disasters.
  • Receipt of the residence tax fee : A specific amount must be paid as a tax fee.
  • Renewal application form : This form is printed after scheduling an appointment.
  • Health insurance : Health coverage that encompasses the required duration of your stay.
  • Four passport-sized photos : The photos must meet legal standards.
  • Current residence permit and a copy of it : To prove your current legal status.
  • Passport and a copy of it : To verify your identity.

If additional proofs or documents are needed, the immigration officer will grant a timeframe of up to 30 days to complete the required paperwork.

Steps Required to Renew Your Real Estate Residence Permit

  • Scheduling an Appointment for Residence Permit Renewal

Within the last sixty days of the validity of your current residence permit, you must book an electronic appointment through the link provided by the immigration authority. After selecting the option for "Residence Permit Renewal" and fully filling out the required applications and options, confirm your request. You can expect to receive a message confirming your appointment at the immigration office within a period of 7 to 14 days.

  • Preparing Required Documents

While waiting for the appointment confirmation message, you should prepare all the necessary documents needed to renew your residence permit. We have outlined all the required documents in the previous section. Make sure to bring all the necessary paperwork and avoid submitting unofficial or forged documents to prevent legal consequences and rejection of your application.

If any documents are required from outside Turkey, ensure they are translated into Turkish and notarized at a notary office.

  • Attending the Renewal Interview

On the day of your appointment, you must attend with all the necessary documents in hand. Wait for your turn and submit your complete file to the immigration officer along with the receipt for the residence permit fee. If any document is missing, the officer will notify you and provide a timeframe to complete it. Failure to provide the required documents within the specified time will result in rejection of the renewal application.

  • Receiving Your Residence Permit

After submitting the necessary documents, your application will enter the evaluation stage, which is usually positive. It typically takes between two weeks to a month at most to receive a response regarding your acceptance. You will receive a text message on your phone containing a tracking number for the Turkish Postal Service (PTT). After tracking the shipment of your card and confirming its arrival at the post office, go to the nearest branch to collect your residence permit.

In case of a rejection, you will be notified via text message, and you can file an objection or consult a lawyer to understand the reasons for the rejection. Please note that rejections are very rare as long as you have the official title deed and meet all the required conditions.

Duration of Real Estate Residence Permit Renewal in Turkey

Turkey is an ideal destination for living and investment, making the acquisition of a real estate residence permit a matter of interest for many. The process of renewing a real estate residence permit in Turkey involves multiple steps and timeframes that vary by individual circumstances. Therefore, I will outline the details regarding the duration of real estate residence permit renewals in Turkey, the criteria and requirements involved, along with some essential notes to ensure that the process runs smoothly and successfully.

The time required for renewal is divided into two main phases :

  1. The period needed to obtain an appointment for submitting the residence permit renewal application : This is the first step in the renewal process, typically taking about one to two weeks to secure an appointment for the interview and to present the necessary documents.
  2. The evaluation period for the residence permit renewal application : This phase starts after the application is submitted and lasts between two to three weeks. During this time, the application is assessed, and verification of compliance with the required conditions and documentation takes place.

In total, these periods indicate that the overall duration for renewing your residence permit generally ranges from 21 to 35 days, starting from the date of the appointment booking until the receipt of the new residence card.

It is important to note that the durations mentioned above do not include any time extensions granted in cases where there are deficiencies in the requirements or documentation, as the approval or correction of the necessary papers may take up to a full month.

Notes on Renewing Property Residency

To ensure a smooth and secure property residency renewal process, certain important considerations must be taken into account:

  • Adhering to Application and Interview Dates : Sticking to the specified timelines is crucial to prevent any delays or legal issues during the residency renewal process.
  • Avoiding Unofficial Documents : Using only official documents is the safest way to avoid any legal complications. Submitting unofficial documentation could lead to a rejection of the residency application, or even legal action against the applicant.
  • The Property Must Be Residential and Reflect This in the Title Deed : When applying for property residency renewal, the property in question must be for residential purposes and registered accordingly in the title deed.
  • Moving to a New State : If relocating to a new state, property residency must be obtained from that state, which necessitates owning property there.
  • Sale of Property or Loss of Ownership : If the property is sold or ownership is lost, obtaining a new type of residency is critical, as residency renewal cannot occur in this scenario.
  • Passport Validity and Health Insurance : To secure a renewal for one or two years, the passport must be valid for at least six months longer than the requested renewal period, in addition to acquiring health insurance that covers the required extension.
  • Caution Against Working with Brokers and Scammers : It is essential to steer clear of any illegal attempts to obtain property residency, such as forgery or bribery, as these actions can lead to legal repercussions.

In conclusion, renewing real estate residency in Turkey requires precision and adherence to legal procedures. In this article, we have provided all the information related to renewal processes, steps, and necessary documents to successfully complete the procedure. At Mabani Real Estate, we strive to offer full support and assist you in finding suitable properties that allow you to benefit from real estate residency laws in a legal and secure manner. Don’t hesitate to contact us, as we are always at your service.

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